Cigar Accessories Integrating History, Culture and Individualization
cigar box is not only a simple storage tool, it embodies rich historical, cultural and artistic values. From the initial practicality to the present artistry and symbolism, cigar box es have played an important role in the development of cigar culture. Both cigar lovers and art collectors can find their own pleasure and satisfaction in a beautiful cigar box . With the passage of time, the cigar humidor is not only a storage tool, but also gradually evolved into a work of art. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, many cigar brands began to decorate the humidor cigar box es beautifully, such as hand-painted patterns, carving and inlaying techniques, which made the cigar box es a collection. Those exquisite cigar case s not only reflected the technological level at that time, but also showed the unique style and cultural heritage of cigar brands. A good portable humidor should be not only beautiful, but also functio...