Realistic dolls for both boys and girls

 Black reborn baby dolls and African American reborn dolls are a very popular choice among reborn baby collectors, women and girls alike. Many reborn baby collectors want to enrich their reborn doll nurseries and there is a large African American community of reborn doll fans - so there is a large market for black reborn dolls.

In many cases the process of making a black reborn doll requires multiple layers of paint to create a large number of dark and rich skin tones. When you see the finished doll, the effort and time it takes to colour the doll so that all parts of the baby's skin have the same skin tone match is well worth it. A favourite among custom requests, black reborn babies can take weeks or even months to create and paint to get shades and skin tones that match the photos provided, but the results are stunning and lifelike.

Most importantly - have fun! Choosing your special baby dolls should be an enjoyable and personal activity, allowing you to have the exact doll you want.

With the growing popularity of re-births, the market and demand for non-white re-births is also increasing. Due to the differences in skin colour, eyes, hair, etc. between the different races, born-again artists and mothers did not like the idea of 'tweaking' a white born-again baby into an African-American doll. Instead, rebirth artists have begun to focus on creating 100% handmade and 'from scratch' black rebirth babies - starting with different moulds and painting their rebirth dolls differently so that they can take full control and create a more accurate black rebirth doll. reborn doll. Depicting and resembling a living black newborn baby.

As with all reborn babies, black realistic baby dolls look as realistic as possible. Not only do the rebirthers use multiple layers of paint to accurately replicate the darker skin tones, they also add veins, birthmarks and even nails to the doll, as well as eyelashes and mohair. The process of adding this hair to the reborn dolls is a time-consuming process called micro-rooting. Micro-rooting involves adding hair and eyelashes one by one, a process that - especially for babies with a lot of hair - can take up to 40 hours by itself.

African American black baby dolls are just one of many options for those looking for a beautiful and unique reborn baby, but regardless of your own race and skin colour, black reborn babies are a wonderful addition to your reborn baby doll collection or reborn nursery.


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