Thermostatic drinkers - the best choice for poultry in winter

 It's that time of year again when those of us in the "frozen North" can all look forward to frozen gutters and drinking fountains, as well as traversing the snow to provide fresh water for our chickens. Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to make long walks several times a day? Well, you can avoid some of them, and we'll talk about how to use chicken waterer heated base today.

Heated chicken water fountains aren't new -- they've been around for years and seem to get better every year. What makes the "ideal" heated poultry drinker base?
Everyone has their own idea of the perfect water heater, but I bet we're all similar in a lot of ways. It should be: easy to fill, easy to clean, plastic or non-corrosive material (apple cider vinegar will eat into metal), minimal waste, constant temperature control, long wires, except long wires, most of these wishes are approved by the manufacturer. I'd love to know why they don't give you more than three feet of rope!

Plastic is the ideal material because it is easy to clean and you can see the water level through the plastic. It is not as heavy as metal, and as we have already mentioned, it does not corrode.
Advantages of a heated water bowl for chickens
People living in temperate climates often wonder what all the fuss is about water heaters.
Those of us who live in areas covered in snow from December to March know only too well what all the fuss is about.
It seemed adventurous and almost fun at the beginning of the season (like pioneers), but by the end of the season we were tired of hauling buckets to the hen house 3-4 times a day in blowing snow and freezing temperatures. The poultry dinker heater base allows us to check or refill the fountain just a few times we venture outside.

You really can't go wrong with a chicken drinker heating base. They are well constructed and PTC is stable and continuously warm to maintain the right temperature and not get too hot. The thermostat is out of order. 10 ft power cord.


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