Foot massage machine, to achieve the freedom of the feet!
Massage is one of the most effective treatments we can give to our feet. Our feet are a reflection of the state of our body and most of the time we don't give them the care they really deserve. In general, they are the most forgotten part of our body.Each foot consists of 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles, which together with the nerves and blood vessels make up one of the most complex and important parts of our body. When painful foot disorders start to appear, our body may also develop different disorders and vice versa, if they indicate that something is not normal in our body. Many diseases, such as diabetes, arthritis or heart disease, can be directly reflected in our feet. Foot disorders affect more than 90% of people over the age of 65, and 15% of complaints among adults are due to foot problems related to plantar fasciitis. Women have four times more foot problems than men, largely due to ill-fitting high heels. Wash and hydrate your feet daily, cut your n...